As more millennials become homeowners, It is no more asurprise that they have also started to impact home designs. Most millennialsagree that home design is the most important component. They are using freshideas, minimal approach, and a different mindset. They aim to make the placemore functional and visually appealing.
PersonalizedInterior Designs:
Personalization is more important than ever in this modernera. Many millennials want features that meet their exclusive needs. When youwork directly with a home contractor, you have the opportunity to build acustomized home design plans that you will not see in any other home.Customized interiors should reflect your intimate interests and styles whilefocusing on quality materials and artisanship. Personalization is a vitalcomponent in creating a dream home. Interiordesigning companies in Toronto are competing tointroduce mesmerizing personalized interior designs.
Multi-Purpose Rooms
While older generations seem to be satisfied with anallocated living room, kitchen, and dining room. Millennials aim to enhance thefunction of their living spaces by making multifunctional rooms. It could meanthat a spare bedroom turned into an office or a closet converted to a pantry.Multipurpose rooms are not just limited to the inside of homes. Outdoors,windows can be added to closed-off porches to create sunrooms, and a BBQstation with outdoor plumbing creates an upscale extension to a home’skitchen.
Open Plan
Floor plans are more open and competent than everbefore. Millennials don’t have time for hallways! A big kitchen remainsessential, but it should flow into the other rooms for easy entertainment. Forthis reason, millennials are keen on luxury kitchens with apreference for lounge furniture that serves more than one purpose., Anotheramazing trend to be aware of is the importance of dedicated laundryrooms to this generation. According to home renovation companies inToronto, 60% of Millennials said theywouldn’t buy a housewithout one.
Millennials love flexible andopen-concept layouts. A proper dining room or a sparebedroom might have been important to their ancestors. But those same spaces arenow being re-utilized into art studios, offices. If you’re pondering overselling your house, and don’t want to rupture all the walls to create anopen-concept kitchen, consider re-purposing any small rooms (preferably nearthe plumbing into a laundry room.
Smart Technology
This generation is born in the world of evolving technology,and they couldn’t imagine their lives without smart devices and othertechnological wonders. Almost 80% of millennials would rather have a house withtechnological innovations and smart automation than a kitchen up-gradation. Astechnology continues to evolve, more homeowners are taking advantage of itsabilities. Millennials have become adapted to using technology at every turn,and apart from their cell phones, many seek access to technological advancementsin the home.
In modern homes, you will easily find Wi-Fi-enabled technology introducedinto nearly every other electrical peripheral. You can now conveniently controlyour home’s lights, air conditioner, heater, speakers, television, and applianceswith the touch of a button. A wide range of electrical components in your homecan be attached to your phone or computer to control items even when you areout of the house. Advance technology has impacted home renovation in Toronto,making it easier for the owners to manage their stuff.
Low Maintenance
Millennials are now working longer hours and spending moretime away from home. It leaves them with a few hours in the week to thoroughlyclean and sustain a home. For this reason, many young homeowners opt for a homedesign that is minimal and requires low-maintenance. In addition to owningfewer items, homeowners often search for materials that require less care, suchas faux wood floors or ventless fireplaces. Surfaces that need constantdusting, such as built-in bookcases, are now being avoided in favor of tablets,which can help you to read books digitally. Rather than seeing the home as aplace that should be convenient for sitting around or entertainment.
Millennials tend to look over their home as a place to take care of theimportant necessities of life before hitting out into the world to pursue theirdiverse interests. This kind of attitude, combined with less money and time,means that Millennials put a premium on low maintenance building materials.
Kitchens Evolved
Millennials may not host Sunday family lunches as a highpriority, but they do enjoy cooking, especially experimenting with differenttechniques and flavors. However, this generation values efficiency the most.Minimalistic design, multifunctional storage, and energy-efficient appliancesare essential kitchen features for them. Millennials are also againstunnecessary waste. It is visible across the globe, but perhaps the most inCanada. Canadian millennials believe that units that require minor fixes and don’twaste too much energy are a worthy investment. More than half of themillennials would prioritize luxury features in the kitchen over all otherareas of the home. While a majority of respondents often cook and spend a hugeamount of time in the kitchen. Natural wood, dark-stained, and distressed woodare among the most popular options for cabinetry style.
This generation is the most sustainability-focused thanever. The millennials are looking for new renewable energy sources withinapartment blocks, sharing resources, supporting independent businesses, andusing green materials. Most millennials are interested in solar panelsfor their homes and show a deep interest in growing their food. Gardening haspositive effects on our environment and works well with healthy living trends.Expect to see more small gardens, window-box gardens, or community gardens wherethis generation resides. Millennials have frequently heard about preventingglobal warming, eating a clean diet, living green, preserving water, and livinga sustainable life. To older generations, the changes required by suchprinciples may seem dubious or suspicious at first; to Millennials, they arecost-effective no-brainers. A house with sustainable features is, therefore,more likely to sell to a Millennial than a less green-friendly house of thesame price.
Millennials’ influence on demand and famous trends knows no boundaries.The home design trends today are all about flexibility, sustainability, andnatural effect interiors – easy to live in, yet stylish and unobtrusive. Mostimportant is the awareness of environmental challenges we face globally istranslating into eco-friendly lifestyles. It’s a change worth celebrating.
As the millennials are getting more and more conscious about their livingenvironment, the trends are continuously transforming. With unique designs andcreative ideas, the millennials are taking the multi-billion industry sky-high.
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